Explore Kits: Smell
In the basic lesson, using small smell jars the students will identify smells, determine if they are inside or outside smells and if they are good or bad smells. They will also draw a picture of what they think is smelling. Students will discuss they difference between good and bad smells and why some students will pick good and others will pick bad for the same smell.
In the advanced lesson, students can do the same activity as the basic lesson but the will extend it by classifying pictures as smelling bad or good and making a bar graph. Also the students will take a “Smelly Walk” around the school and record all the smells and where they are found.
Standard 2: Students, through the inquiry process, demonstrate knowledge of properties, forms, changes and interactions of physical and chemical systems.
2.2 Students will be able to examine, measure, describe, compare and classify objects in terms of common physical properties.
5 bags of 5 smell jars (film canisters with holes poked in tops) numbered 1-5
Peppermint – 5 canisters, peppermint extract, plastic dropper
Pine – 5 canisters, pine wax, small fork
Orange – 5 canisters, orange extract, dropper – orange peel works best
Garlic – 5 canisters, garlic granules, small spoon
Licorice – 5 canisters, anise extract, dropper
Smelly objects picture cards
Cotton balls