WonderLab Preschool

Wisdom begins in wonder.

ExplorationWorks' WonderLab Preschool is a unique preschool nestled within the walls of our museum that caters to children ages 2 - 5. This enriching program includes is a blended combination of early STEM education and nature-based learning. Our supportive environment fosters independence and collaborative play to build confidence.

Key Features:

  • Operating Hours: Monday - Friday, 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM

  • Small Class Sizes: With a 6:1 student-to-teacher ratio, we ensure personalized attention and support for each child.

  • Separate from Museum Operations: WonderLab Preschool maintains its own distinct space to create a dedicated learning environment.

Enrollment Information:

We are excited to announce our targeted opening date of October 14th! We currently have spots available and encourage interested families to email Shannon Thomas, Preschool Director, at shannont@explorationworks.org.

Monthly Rates:

  • Monday - Friday: $1250

  • Monday, Wednesday, & Friday: $707

  • Tuesday & Thursday: $505

Families are encouraged to apply, and those eligible for Best Beginnings scholarships will be considered.

Questions? Please contact Shannon Thomas, shannont@explorationworks.org or 406.603.4132.

WonderLab FAQs

Can we go all year? WonderLab runs all through the summer!

Do siblings get a discount? We do not give a discount, but siblings will be given priority registration.

Where do students play outside? Students will use the outdoor classroom for daily recesses and lessons, they will also walk to Centennial park weekly.

Does my child need to be potty trained? We ask that your child is independently toileting (able to undress/dress and wipe) when they begin at WonderLab.

What curriculum are you using? We are using a curriculum called Blossom and Root along with Montessori materials. There will be a strong influence of STEM and nature studies in our daily routines.

How are kids split up? Students of all ages will be in one classroom together. This provides positive peer modeling and interactions. Teachers will give small group lessons to different skill groups.

Is there a resting/nap time? Yes, we schedule a resting a resting period after lunch. Nappers will have a quiet area to sleep as needed. Non-nappers will rest and be able to do quiet activities at their mat.

Have more questions? No problem! Please reach out to us at WonderLab@explorationworks.org.